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STM Cessna 350 Corvalis ARTF

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Stor ARTF modell av Cessna 350 med flaps. Denne modellen er i holdbart EPO-materiale og har et vingespenn på hele 1,43 meter. Modellen leveres med servoer, børsteløs motor og regulator, samt 1800mAh oppladbart LiPobatteri og lader. Den har som sagt flaps så dette forenkler landingene. Videre er det balanseror på modellen, lys, understell og lader med balanserer til drivbatteriet. Flytid vil være fra 10-15 minutter avhengig av gassbruk, for å ha god brukstid på batteriet bør man lande når man merker at effekten i motoren daler. Det man trenger i tillegg for å fly, er radio og mottaker, min 5ch. Laderen trenger 12V kilde som bilbatteri eller powersupply.

Anbefalt tilbehør

Laderen som følger med er på 12V 1.1A ( gir en ladetid på ca 1.5 time ). Ønsker man lading fra veggkontakt, se under for 220V-lader. Husk å kjøpe med ladekabel om du går for SkyRC E4-laderen, da har du også mulighet for fulladet batteri på 1 time
STM Cessna 350

Fra Wikipedia om originalmodellen:
The Cessna 350 Corvalis is a composite construction, single-engine, normally-aspirated, fixed-gear, low-wing general aviation aircraft built by Cessna Aircraft.
The aircraft was formerly called the Columbia 350 when it was built by Columbia Aircraft.the 350 is powered by a Teledyne Continental IO-550-N powerplant producing 310 horsepower (230 kW) at 2700 rpm. The 350 has the same take-off and landing weights as the 300; maximum take-off weight is 3400 lbs (1542 kg) and the maximum landing weight is 3230 lbs (1465 kg).
Like the 300 and 400, the 350 has a certified airframe life of 25200 flight hours.
Initially sold simply as the Cessna 350, the aircraft was given the marketing name Corvalis by Cessna on 14 January 2009. The name is a derivation of the town of Corvallis, Oregon which is west of the Bend, Oregon location of the Cessna plant that built the aircraft, prior to closing the plant and relocating production to Independence, Kansas in 2009.
In April 2009 Cessna announced that it would close the Bend, Oregon factory where the Cessna 350 was produced and move production to Independence, Kansas, with the composite construction moved to Mexico. The production line was restarted in October, 2009 in the Cessna Independence paint facility, at a rate of one aircraft per six months initially. This was to allow the new workers, plus the 30 employees transferred from Bend, to gain experience and also allow Cessna the opportunity to retail its unsold inventory of Cessna 350s and 400s. The company anticipates moving the 350/400 production into a permanent facility by the end of 2009

10-15 minutter, avhengig av gassbruk
Ladetidca 2 timer

Anbefalt tilbehør

Varta Industrial Pro AA batterier - 4stk
kr 29,-
SkyRc E430 LiPo/Life Balanseringslader 2-4S 220V
kr 319,-
EP 9050 2stk Propell
kr 30,-
SkyRc E3 LiPo Balanseringslader 2-3S 220V
kr 289,-


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STM Cessna 350 Corvalis ARTF
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