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Torvol Quad Strap

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Multikopterkoffert og sekker
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kr 115,-
VareID: 47055, Produktnr: TO019
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Stropp for å feste ekstra drone til Torvol Quad Pitstop-sekkene. Enkel og rask festemekanikk med klips.
Product details in english
The perfect addition to your Quad PITSTOP Backpack.
At Torvol, we always say ?More quads, more better?. And apparently, Listening to pilots? feedback, we couldn?t be closer to the truth.

Evolve your gear along with your skills, you can add the Quad Strap on your Quad Pitstop backpack and carry with you an additional drone. Now you can fill up your backpack and attach your (extra) quad to the outside of the Quad PITSTOP Backpack without having to buy a new backpack immediately.

The Quad Strap is easy to attach and detach, so whether you pack heavy or want to rip light, your Quad PITSTOP Backpack always fits the need.

Mer info på Engelsk


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17.01.2021 av MATHIAS
Gjør det mulig å utnytte enda mer av torvol pitstop ved å feste enda en drone på utsiden av sekken. Eneste minuset ved denne er at dronen må taes av for at lokket skal kunne åpnes.
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