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Cobi Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero

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kr 599,-
VareID: 59644, Produktnr: COBI-5729
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Byggesett av den japanske jagerflyet Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero i skala 1:32. Settet består av 347 deler og kommer med understell, bevegelige ror og roterende dekk og propell, stand med navneplate og en tysk pilot. Cobi klosser er kompatible med Lego klosser.
Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero var et av de beste jagerflyene i den første perioden av andre verdenskrig. Navy Deck Fighter Model 0 hadde ikke noe offisielt navn. Tallet 0 markerer slutten på år 2600 (på den japanske kalenderen) der flyet ble designet. Derav det populære begrepet "Zero" oppfunnet av britene. Flyet ble designet av ingeniør Jir? Horikoshi i 1940 på ordre fra den keiserlige japanske marinen. Modellen ble stadig modifisert under krigen. Maskinen var preget av høy hastighet og manøvrerbarhet. Disse funksjonene er oppnådd, blant annet på bekostning av rustning. Totalt ble det produsert rundt 11 000 eksemplarer av dette flyet i ulike versjoner.
Cobi Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero

ModellMitsubishi A6M2 Zero
SerieHistorical Collection WW2
Antall klosser347
Product details in english
The Mitsubishi A6M2 was one of the best fighters in the initial period of World War II. The Navy Deck Fighter Model 0 had no official name. The number 0 represents the end of the year 2600 (on the Japanese calendar) in which the aircraft was designed. Hence the popular term "Zero" invented by the British. The aircraft was designed by engineer Jir? Horikoshi in 1940 on the order of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The model was constantly modified during the war.

The machine was characterized by high speed and maneuverability. These features, among others, were achieved at the expense of armor. A total of about 11,000 copies of this aircraft in various versions were produced.

Assembling block fighters from World War II is a great way to spend time and pursue a passion for history and modeling. The set of Mitsubishi A6M2 construction blocks contains 347 elements and one pilot figure. The fighter plane model from COBI was created with attention to the smallest details. The plane has a movable propeller and ailerons. Its rotating rubber tire wheels slide out of the undercarriage in the take-off or landing position. The cabin can be opened to put at the controls a figure of a pilot, who has an accurately reproduced uniform and a print on the back! The plane has been covered with high-quality prints that do not wear off even during intensive use. The set also includes a special stand, which makes the display of the model more attractive, and a plate with the name of the plane. The block model of the Japanese fighter will surely satisfy young aircraft fans as well as older aviation and history enthusiasts and collectors.
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