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Multiplex Blizzard Kit

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Multiplex Blizzard er en hangmodell som er laget i sterk elapor, modellen kan bygges som elektromodell/hotliner eller som glider/hangfly. Man kan også velge om man vi lha sideror eller ikke og balanserorene kan man sette opp som spoilere. Modellen har ett vingespenn på 138cm og er genial som bagasjeromsmodell som man kan ta frem på en vindful dag.
Vingebelastning: 37.4 g/dm²
Totalvekt min:775gram (glider)/975 (eletrisk)
Product details in english
Informasjon fra produsenten på engelsk :
A high-performance hot-line model exploitingELAPOR® technology. Modern brushless motors inconjunction with high-performance LiPo batteries provide thepower for vertical hand-launches with either of the recommendedpower systems. Breath-taking high-speed passes - especially withthe upgrade power system - and a superb glide angle thanks tothe MPX wing airfoil, with a thickness of only 8.9%. Neither is themodel a slouch when it comes to thermalling - the BLIZZARD?s lowall-up weight and carefully optimised aerodynamic layout enablethe machine to keep up with many a conventional ?fl oater?. Theaeroplane has great aerobatic potential, but is nevertheless easyto land slowly - ?like a feather? - if the braking system (both aileronsraised) is used. At the slope you can really let the BLIZZARD tearup the sky in good lift. The wings feature two CFRP spars and foursupplementary spar caps which endow the structure with greattorsional rigidity and bending strength, while the fuselage featuresGRP longerons and a large number of innovative plastic parts. Thenet result is a highly practical aeroplane for everyday fl ying.
  • Ultra-broad speed range
  • Low sinking speed, good glide angle
  • Kit includes supplementary ?glider nose-cone? with aero-tow option
  • Landing aid - both ailerons raised
  • Can be fi nished using any standard spray-can paints after prior treatment with MULTIprimer # 60 2700
  • Pre-fabricated moulded ELAPOR® parts
  • High-quality plastic components
  • Aileron servos connect automatically when the wings are attached to the fuselage
  • Optional second elevator servo for supplementary rudder function

  • Wingspan 1380 mm
  • Overall length 910 mm
  • All-up weight min 775 g (glider) / 975 g (electric)
  • Wing loading 19,4 dm²
  • Wing loading 37.4 g/dm²
  • Functions Aileron, elevator (optional rudder), throttle,spoilers (both ailerons raised
  • Mer info på Engelsk
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